Advise Realty Services, LLC
Vincenzo Valentino

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Chris Parlato

 (860) 227-7957

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

Chris has worked in sales and marketing with several large companies for over 20 years and utilizes the skills learned to help clients with one of their most important purchases. Chris is motivated by being the trusted person to educate and navigate clients in the real estate market and meeting their needs whether buying, selling, investing, or leasing.

Chris grew up in Hamden and after living in Maryland for ten years moved back in 2010 and resides in Cheshire with his wife and two children. When Chris isn’t assisting clients or reading up on the latest real estate news and trends he enjoys spending time with his family, eating and cooking delicious food, and
coaching his daughters softball team. He also enjoys cheering for his beloved New York Mets. Fun fact for baseball fans, Chris attended the famous “Bill Buckner” game 6 of the 1986 World Series at Shea Stadium.

Chris is ready to work for you and advise you through your real estate journey to help your dream become a reality.
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