Advise Realty Services, LLC
Vincenzo Valentino

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Siohbon Ebrahimi

 (702) 417-7501

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

Hi, I’m Siohbon, with Advise Realty!

Excited to work with all walks of life, I am eager to advise you in all of your real estate needs. My diverse background brings fresh and new ideas while on the mission to assist buyers, sellers, and investors. As a former bankruptcy paralegal, I understand the importance of informing clients of all their options with research, market data and good old fashion knowledge.

In addition to my technical skills, I am able to guide my clients with ease. Utilizing my flexibility and empathy comes in handy in more ways than one. These skills allow me to fully understand your real estate goals, find solutions that meet your needs, and ensure you feel heard throughout the process. Paying close attention to your uniqueness and exquisite tastes, I make it a personal experience for all of my clients.

My daily inspirations include my faith and family especially bonding with my grandson. I love helping others in any way I can. I have a love for the ocean as well as enjoying the outdoors, with a passion for collecting rocks and seashells. By investing in my own quality time, I am able to grow personally and exceed my professional performance expectations.

Given that I am familiar with the area, I can easily pinpoint the kind of lifestyle you want. On a mission to put a smile on your face, and bring a warm feeling to your heart, there isn’t much that can keep me from getting the job done to your liking.
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