Advise Realty Services, LLC
Vincenzo Valentino

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Vincenzo Valentino

 (203) 996-1506

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson & Broker

Vincenzo Valentino started his customer service career at the early age of 11! It was at this early age that Vinny would accompany his Dad Raffaele Valentino to entertain events in the CT, Mass and NY Area. Together they owned and operated Valentino Productions, a full mobile entertainment company.

In 2015 after years of servicing the Entertainment industry he turned his passion to Real Estate. Vinny loves helping people and and prides himself on advising his clients in the buying, selling and investing process. In 2022 Vinny expanded and opened the doors to Advise Realty Services, a brokerage dedicated to residential and commercial real estate, property consulting and management with offices in Southington, Wethersfield and just recently expanded to service Rhode Island.

When Vinny isn’t assisting homeownership and investing dreams a reality, he enjoys spending time with his wife Gina and daughters Alessia, Hannah, Hailey & family. An avid soccer fan Vinny also plays in a CT Soccer league!

When asked what drives Advise Realty Services? Vinny answered, "I was taught you don't have to "work" every day if you love what you do! Helping and advising people on making their dreams come true is what I truly love so I'm blessed to do that daily".
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