Advise Realty Services, LLC
Vincenzo Valentino

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Vinnie Ferrucci

 (203) 494-8133

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

Vinnie is a lifelong resident of Hamden, CT. He has been a licensed real estate agent since 2018Vinnie’s favorite part of real estate is coaching people through what is the biggest decision and investments of their lives. He has experience in rental properties, residential and commercial sales. Vinnie puts his clients first. He is very responsive, reliable and is always in the office late working hard!

There’s never a dull moment working with Vinnie. His contagious personality makes every transaction a smooth one! Not only does Vin love real estate, he is a big NASCAR, and New York Giants fan (GO BIG BLUE!) He also has 5 nieces and nephews that he loves to spoil.

Hanging out in local establishments, shooting pool or relaxing, and new found love of Cruising are just a few of Vin’s favorite things to do!
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